Challenges and Strategies in Community Management

Challenges and Strategies in Social Media Management

Generating creative ideas is not easy, especially in Taiwan, where social media has been operating for quite some time. With the diminishing benefits of platform algorithms and the loss of novelty in content due to brainstorming by many, it’s almost like the law of increasing entropy in thermodynamics. Over time, the difficulty of managing social media increases, demonstrating a phenomenon of diminishing marginal returns.

How to Create High-Quality Social Media Content

What is the foundation for high-quality social media content? If aiming to break through with native content to achieve high reach and interaction, it is quite challenging. This not only relies on the executor’s insights but also requires the support of unit supervisors and the positioning of the social media. Successful social media often exhibit a “lightness” characteristic, without too much burden or heavy considerations. Therefore, for a single social media manager, aiming for 60 points of content is more practical. Organizing a mutual aid exchange meeting for social media managers is also a pragmatic way to stimulate creativity.

How to Create 60-Point Content

Basic sensitivity is necessary, and keeping up with current events is essential. Following trends remains important, especially in the post-social media era. Rather than coming up with astonishingly creative ideas, it is better to grasp current hot topics, particularly for solo social media managers.

Secondly, content needs to be heartfelt. Heartfelt content does not require flashy creativity, just two words: sincerity. Sincere words can convey warmth to followers, and even if the words are not excellent, sincerity can still touch people’s hearts. Many brand founders’ copywriting may not be particularly outstanding, but the sincerity in their words can build long-term relationships.

Furthermore, it’s important to know how to “play.” Post-pandemic economic impacts have made people restless. Nonsensical content often spreads well on social media. Understanding how to break conventions and use memes to create topics is an effective approach. For example, public departments using memes to create topics make dull policies more eye-catching and attract attention.

How to Achieve Over 80 Points in Creative Content

When aiming for content scoring over 80 points, market insights and records are indispensable. This depends on personal practice, understanding the market, observing human nature, and interpreting various reactions. For example, from the reactions to pictures, one can observe popular memes, which are phenomena that amuse people. If one were a kiwi fruit seller, using the image of a hairy elephant beetle might hit the audience’s sense of humor and engage with the parent-child demographic.

The Future of Social Media

The future of social media remains social media. However, people’s choices might differ. When everyone leans towards sensational content, the next eye-catcher might be something fresh and simple. When visuals become elaborate, the next moving thing might be authenticity. The rise of podcasts has also provided inspiration, with sound becoming a new way of communication. The moat for brands is not just Facebook or Instagram but the closeness to followers.

Monetization of Social Media

The primary purpose of managing social media is not to pursue short-term monetization. Using conversion to monetization as an indicator can lead to disappointment, signifying a misuse of social media. Good social media can bring considerable revenue, but this is an added value resulting from social cohesion, leading to natural monetization. Misunderstanding the purpose of social media management reduces it to mere advertising, rather than building long-term relationships. Therefore, discussing social media monetization requires first defining one’s view of social media. When companies see social media as an advertising platform, though not ideal, it is understandable. When companies pursue short-term profits, social media monetization equals advertising. But if the goal is to build long-term relationships with followers, monetization should follow relationship-building. Modern consumers find transactions easy but making friends difficult. Prioritize cohesion, and monetization will follow naturally.

The Future of Social Media Managers

Social media managers have several career development paths: becoming social media managers, progressing to creative directors, becoming brand marketers, or transitioning to senior marketers. These paths come with challenges and opportunities, depending on understanding marketing operations and unleashing creativity.

Marketing consultants suggest focusing on the changes and challenges in social media management and providing concrete response strategies. With extensive experience, including leadership in Brand Marketing Society, founding a marketing company, and advising over 200 public sector units under the National Development Council, these insights can significantly aid social media management efforts.