The Three Phases of Traffic Strategies

In the world of marketing, the key to success lies in effectively utilizing traffic to sustain and grow a brand. Here, we explore three distinct traffic strategies, each with its unique approach and application.

Phase One: The Traffic Breakthrough Strategy

Initially, brands need traffic to drive growth. This often involves leveraging new platforms, tools, or opportunities to gain significant traffic. At the beginning, this can lead to substantial rewards and high margins. However, as the market matures, the effectiveness of technical traffic-driving methods gradually declines. Just like the gold rush, the richness of opportunities diminishes over time, an inevitable process.

When the gold mine runs dry, it’s time to seek the next opportunity. This encapsulates the essence of the Traffic Breakthrough Strategy. By seizing traffic bonuses through technical or timely means, brands can capitalize on transient advantages. As the market evolves, it’s crucial to reassess and find the next pool of traffic. This strategy is particularly effective during market turbulence, where opportunities can still be seized by those who act swiftly.

Characteristics: Sharp vision, quick action, and leveraging momentum for rapid testing and execution.

Phase Two: The Traffic Retention and Stabilization Strategy

Another approach is to focus on building a traffic reservoir. This involves not just converting traffic but also retaining and nurturing it. A stable reservoir of traffic translates to a steady cash flow, ensuring more stable operations.

It’s crucial to create catalysts or seeds for future conversions within the market. For one-time ventures, customer testimonials can act as these catalysts, while recurring businesses can leverage word-of-mouth, contact methods, and other strategies to maintain customer engagement.

Characteristics: Building a strong, sticky reservoir of traffic that provides a solid foundation and security.

Phase Three: The Traffic Amplification Strategy

Finally, customer referrals and influence represent the most potent form of traffic conversion. The key is to turn retained traffic into new traffic for the brand. This phase reflects the brand’s market position—whether it’s essential or dispensable. This is the highest level of traffic strategy. At this stage, traffic naturally grows and spreads, advocating for the brand from the core.

Characteristics: Dynamic traffic growth with powerful impact and sustained, natural expansion.


There is no absolute hierarchy among traffic strategies; mastering one phase can make you an expert in managing traffic. Brands often experience these three phases in their development journey. The most crucial factor is finding the traffic strategy that suits you best and allows you to use it effectively and joyfully.